
Payment methods

Payment methods: before accepting the order the customer, will have to choose one of the following methods of payment available on


PayPal is an online payment system that allows any business or individual consumer who has an email address to send and receive payments. Registering for free, you can open an account that allows you to make payments using your email and password. You can associate a credit card (up to a maximum of eight), or a prepaid card to your account or you can recharge at no extra cost from your bank account.

If the Paypal payment method is selected, then the customer must follow the instructions within the Pay Pal site.


If the bank transfer payment method is selected, then the customer must make a bank transfer using bank information. The bank information will also be sent to the customer, along with a copy of the order, by e-mail. Proof of payment is determined by the amount of the payment has been credited to the account of the Seller.


Argentidea s.n.c. di Monnanni Federico & C., Via Aldo Moro 7/D 52010 Capolona Arezzo

Unicredit AG Via Fiorentina 246

IBAN IT60U0200814114000104208188


Reference: state the order number.

For over 30 years Argentidea s.n.c. di Monnanni Federico & C. have been handling the production and sale of 925 sliver jewelry for men and women.
In recent years the sale of silver jewelry, bracelets, necklaces and earrings also takes place on the internet through this online store.
From this e-commerce you can purchase silver jewelry for men and women in a wide variety of items including those products of your own desing or with stones like agate, onyx, amethyst and coral. In highlight womens 925 silver bracelets.

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